Research Databases
Image | Description |
African American Heritage A database from ProQuest that provides detailed records for African Americans. Records include Federal Census, Marriage and Cohabitation records, Military Draft and Service Records, Registers of Slaves and Free Persons of Color, Freedman's Bank, and more. |
Alliance Index Search the Alliance Index for obituary, marriage, and newspaper article citations from The Alliance Review. |
Alliance Memory Project Featuring sights, sounds, and recollections of the Alliance community, Alliance Memory offers over 3,000 images, interviews, and documents |
Ancestry Library Edition One of the most comprehensive genealogy databases available. This database is NOT available for home access. Please come to the Main Library or Branch for access. |
Digital Public Library of America The DPLA connects digital collections from libraries across the country. Rich histrocial collections from all over the the United States are at the touch of your fingertips. If looking for materials specific to Ohio, the Ohio Digital Network is a part of DPLA, with over 99,000 entries from across the state. |
FamilySearch A genealogy service provided by the LDS. FamilySearch offers billions of birth, census, marriage, death, land, and court records from all over the globe. Access to FamilySearch Affiliate Library records is only available inside the Main and Branch locations. |
Fold3 Fold3 specializes in military records, photos, and personal stories of those who have served in the military. Fold3 allows you to share the information that you have along with the info provided to create memorials for those who have served. |
Forties in America This eBook covers pop culture, historical events, and politics of the 1940's. |
HeritageHub Use this resource |
HeritageQuest Online This database offers access to Census images, Revolutionary War records, genealogy books, and more. Rodman Library card required for home access. |
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Sanborn Historic Maps are large scale street plans produced by the Sanborn Fire Insurance company from 1867 to 1970. |
St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery Burials Use this form to search for individuals of the Catholic faith who were buried in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Alliance, Ohio from 1900 to present. Also included in the database are those individuals who had Catholic funeral services in Alliance, were buried elsewhere, or were cremated. |
World Book Timelines Build and share timelines. Use your own events and images or add content and images from World Book. |