Meet Ann Cowley, a Branch circulation assistant who has been at RPL for three years.

 Here are some things to know about Ann:


What is your favorite part about your job?

I enjoy finding materials for patrons. I like to see what different books people are reading. This gives me ideas for books I may want to read.


What is your favorite food or snack? 



What is your favorite color? 


What was your favorite subject in school? 

Band - I played the clarinet.


What is your favorite song or musical artist? 

I enjoy music from the 1970's and 1980's.  My favorite groups are the Eagles and Journey.

Are you a fan of any sports team?

I'm a Pittsburgh Steeler fan.  I grew up in the Pittsburgh area.


Do you collect anything? 

I have a bell collection that I inherited from my mother-in-law.  The collection includes bells from many different states and countries (thanks to my husband and other family members having been in the military and my daughter having studied abroad during college).


What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

I've sailed aboard a U.S. Navy ship.  When I was first married, my husband was in the Navy and they had a day cruise for family members.


If you could visit anywhere, where would it be? 



What was your first car? 

A Chevy Chevette.  It didn't have air conditioning or FM radio.